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Not everything that gets written finds its way into a novel.  One of the hardest things for a writer to do is to "kill the little darlings", as Stephen King puts it, the "little darlings" being those chapters or passages that do not advance the story.  


While it's difficult to say goodbye to those sections of the story, it's wonderful to have a venue to share them. That's what "Bonus Chapters" is all about. These are sometimes full chapters, sometimes long passages or sections that, for a variety of reasons, had to be eliminated from the final version of the novel. Frequently, these passages are backstory, so if you like to know what happened before or if you'd just like to know a little more, you'll enjoy spending some time in Bonus Chapters.


Click on the titles below to read the entries online or to download them. Please note: As with the devotions, these materials are copyrighted and are available to you for personal use only. Any other use requires permission. If you'd like to request permission, use the contact button below.

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